20 Oct 2017

#306 Courage Vs Comfort

Courage Vs Comfort

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“You can choose courage or you can choose comfort but you cannot choose both”-Brene Brown

Courage can be defined as an act of bravery or doing something that frightens one. In common word, we can associate it with guts. Courage is required when we want to do something which we find challenging. Courage is not the lack of fear but the confidence in accomplishing a task which requires a lot of strength of yours; be it physical or mental. Comfort is defined as a state of physical or mental ease. It is something that keeps us miles away from troubles. Comfort is achieved when we don’t undertake any hazardous or challenging tasks.

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To achieve something, we need to overcome certain challenges. For example, someone wants to reduce his weight and he’s working. As per the timing of his office, he has to report to his office sharp at 10:00 a.m and he reaches home at around 8p.m after the office. He has decided to join gym. He finds it challenging to attend gym after 8 p.m as he would have been left with no energy. So, he chooses the morning slot which is from 6a.m. As per his comfort, he usually gets up at 8a.m but for achieving what he wants, he has to somehow motivate himself to wake up before 6a.m to go for gym. This is what he has to do beyond his comfort zone.

All of us live in certain comfort zones, call it someone’s intrinsic characteristics. Someone wants to be a famous public speaker but he is an introverted person who rarely speaks. His comfort zone will always try to keep him within its periphery but for achieving what he wants, he will have to choose to be courageous to come out of his comfort zone. These comfort zones are mostly self created due to the preconceptions that we’ve chosen to hold on to for a long time.

Everything is achieved outside the comfort zone. The quote of Nelson Mandela, “It always seems impossible until it’s done” is apt in the context of the ongoing discussion. Initiation is mostly the toughest part.What pulls us back from making an attempt in the direction of our goal, are our own unguarded negative thoughts. By the adjective unguarded, I mean that those negative thoughts have not been identified well to be removed before they can hamper good intentions. These thoughts create a hypothetical scene of insecurities and failures before the actual failure occurs.
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So, choosing courage over comfort will always be a wise idea in almost all situations. It’ll not only open up various avenues that might have gone unnoticed but also help in bringing out the true self of the one that somehow has become dormant over the course of time.

Concluding this article with the following quote:

“Where you stumble, there your treasures lie”,George Campbell.

#writebravely #writetribeproblogger

Post #6

I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging Challenge  (Hyperlink this to: http://writetribe.com). 

©Swati Sarangi



  1. Very true that stepping out of one's comfort zone can be very beneficial. But even knowing this, it is often hard to take that step. like the quotes you used to illustrate this.

    1. Thanks a lot for going through this post and commenting! :D

  2. Yes..something I needed to read today. True..We cannot do anything unless we step out of our comfort zone.

    1. I'm glad to know that you liked this post.Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Stepping out of your comfort zone is the best thing you can do for yourself. One of things about courage though, is that it's about feeling afraid but facing your fears anyway. At least that's what I believe. Because being courageous has never been easy.

    1. Yes, being courageous requires a great effort. Thanks for dropping by.

  4. Stepping out of comfort zone is the biggest step. I haven’t managed yet- fitness wise!

    1. You'll do it .I'm sure. Thanks for your valuable comment! :)

  5. Initially it may seen daunting. But once you move out of your comfort zone it can be truly amazing and you wonder why you took so long. Beautiful write-up Swati.

    1. Yes, I agree with you. The initiation is the hardest step. Thanks Ma'am for your words of appreciation.. :)

  6. True !! Choice matters. I loved the last quote. Where you stumble there your treasure lie.

    1. I also love that quote to an extent that I've pasted it in my wall.. :) Thanks for sharing your views..
