3 Sept 2024

#539 Book Review : The Strange Library

 Book Review - The Strange Library

Image Source: My mobile

This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2024.

It was the 6th book that I picked up to read this year which Haruki Murakami has written. It falls into the category of Fiction. I generally don’t prefer reading fiction unless I have other alternatives. I inaugurated my reading journey at a nearby public library through this book.

I picked up this book to read for several reasons. Firstly, it was a skinny book that appeared quite appealing to me. I wanted to finish reading it in one go. I loved the color of the cover of this book. Secondly, I wanted to motivate myself to read fiction as the English Section had only fiction books. Thirdly, I decided not to get the membership of the library just for burrowing books to create a mini library at home! This decision to not opt for the membership of the library will push me out of my apartment to go to the library and spend some time there.

Coming back to the book, it was a thin book to cover in a single sitting. It has some 50-60 pages with illustrations to supplement the story. It took me about 30 minutes to complete it. It was the first illustration book that I read. It's about a boy who went to the city library to get books related to the taxation regime of the Ottoman Empire. A thought related to this topic came to his mind and he recalled how his mother once suggested him to visit the library for any information. Little did he know that he would be imprisoned by the old man in the basement of the library where he would meet the sheepman and a mute girl. Through the sheepman, he gets to know that the old man likes to eat the brains of the boys like him who are knowledgeable. The old man finds a knowledgeable brain tastier. So, the old man provides all the books to the boy to cram word by word in the stipulated time frame. The sheepman who lives with that old man knows the secrets in getting out of that library and helps the boy in tracking the labyrinth until they get caught by the old man but the boy is successful in

It's a one-time read book of fiction and not for intense reading. I couldn’t understand the ending so well or the ending could’ve been written in a better way, I don’t know, but something felt incomplete to me. Children, who love to read fiction of suspense and thriller, would like it. My rating is 6/10.

Image Source : My mobile


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Swati Sarangi


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