28 Aug 2024

#536 Why I want to participate in BlogchatterHalfMarathon2024 ?

 Why I want to participate in BlogChatterHalfMarathon2024?

 This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2024.

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Blogchatter Team has come up with a new campaign – #BlogchatterHalfMarathon 2024. I have been eagerly waiting for it to start because as a writer I still feel a need for the push and such campaigns are nothing but an excellent medium to provide enough push for me to get my creative juice flowing. It’s not always the writer's block that hampers my ability to write, but the presence of myriads of easy dopamines like social media in my access. Through this campaign, I will try to be as disciplined to cut off any kind of distractions from my surroundings when I’m writing. 

         I can’t thank BlogChatter Team enough for starting this campaign as it will let me not just write but reflect on various aspects of my life. Under this campaign, I have to write 10 posts in 15 days which appears a little challenging to me at this stage because I’ve not thought about any particular topic or theme to cover. I will write whatever comes to my mind as the process of writing commences. Let me not forget that writing is like a flow and as a writer, I must try to pick up any jewels that I will come across through this journey. Since when have I got the power to obstruct this flow?

Another coincidence that I find between this campaign and life is that both are like Marathons, not just some sprints. Finishing the marathon is more important than how fast you can finish it. To be successful in life and campaigns like this, one has to consistently put in his efforts. These small efforts put in every day will help one reach the destination. From my experience of participating in such campaigns organized by BlogChatter, I have found that I could challenge myself to come out of my comfort zone. Completing such challenges gives a sense of accomplishment and that’s what challenges are for. Aren’t they? If they were easy, everyone would do it. That reinforced a deep sense of trust in my ability which I wouldn’t have developed, had I not completed these campaigns on time!

       Through this campaign, I will let my inner voice do the writing. I am sure, a lot of interesting pieces will come out of it. I may or may not take help from the
prompts given for this campaign but I will try my best to complete it just like other campaigns in the past. I also look forward to read some amazing pieces from my fellow writers and engaging with their blogs positively!

Before my lunch gets cold, let me quickly finish it!

Image Source: Generated by GROK 2.0

All Rights Reserved!
Swati Sarangi


1 comment:

  1. You said it, Swati! Finishing the marathon is more important than the speed. Consistency is the most important thing here. And like you, there are many of us who have joined this challenge so that we get back to writing consistently. So, well done!
