26 Jun 2024

#534 Writing ; my inner calling

 Writing; my inner calling

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 This post is part of the ‘The Write Path’ blog hop hosted by Swarnali Nath.

After completing #BlogchatterFoodFest 2024, I was wondering what to write. Even though a lot of stuffs keep floating out of my mind, guiding my fingers to touch the keys of the keyboard, to transport thoughts from my mind to the white screen of my laptop, I face writer’s block occasionally when the word file isn’t opened in my laptop. Luckily, I got an invitation from my blogger friend Swarnali to participate in The Write Path Blog Hop, to reflect on my writing journey.

I have been writing on this platform for the last 11 years but have been writing since standard 5 when I composed my first poem. The moment I thought about reflecting on my writing journey, I recalled having written something on this journey through the article -  “Why I write?” on the first anniversary of my blog. I’ve written a lot after that, not just on my blog but on various other platforms like Quora, Mirakee, YourQuote, Story Mirror, Goodreads, and many other anthologies. A lot of things have happened in the last 11 years, good and bad, but one thing that stayed constant to witness all those changes in this blog. It's like a public version of my diary.

I’ve always found writing therapeutic. Writing gives me a sense of being heard or listened to.  If you want to befriend your conscience or inner self, you just must write your heart out. For someone reticent like me, this skill is a lifesaver. It has helped me to establish a connection to empathize with my feelings or to cheer me up during bad times. I needed no one but only a piece of paper to calm the chaos within me. Life gave me many opportunities to live and work abroad after my marriage. Living in a foreign society seemed unsocial or depressing to others, appeared intellectual bliss for me as I let myself immersed in various writing assignments. I have spent months of darkness, gloomy weather, extreme winter, challenging phases of the job hunt, and associated rejections in the solace of reflection and gratitude that writing has introduced me to. Instead of looking for companionship outside, I relied on my true calling and embraced it. This realization of writing as my true friend, came to me during my college days and writing has been doing its duty as a close friend ever since then.

Writing has proved a great way to declutter my mind, especially when many thoughts occupy my mind. Just like how you clean your room to remove unnecessary stuff, our minds need to be cleaned occasionally. Writing comes to my rescue at that point. I just leave my thoughts on a piece of paper which forms a part of my daily journal, without being judged. Yes, it's a privilege that writing has provided me. It has also assisted me to select the right choice out of myriads of options.

A lot of technical advancements have happened after the advent of AI and Machine Learning. A lot of writing tools have come up that assist writers with grammar, structure, tone, or ideas of writing. I haven’t used these tools much because I always let my inner voice guide me to write. Every other element like grammar, spelling, structure, etc. doesn’t appear as a hurdle to me in my writing process but these are automatically taken care of. I neither put a lot of energy nor planned to produce a write-up. I trust my instincts and the outcome of the process.

I neither have a degree in literature nor ever pursued literature intensely as I am from an Engineering background but an urge to express myself through words ticked every checkpoint for letting my thoughts reach my readers. The purer the intentions, the greater will be the reach. Following your passion should not require any certification as validation. I feel that writing has been gifted to me by the almighty and I want to share its bliss with my readers. I get the rewards of my writing when my readers express that they can relate to it.

Participants of #thewritepathbloghop

All Rights Reserved!

Swati Sarangi




  1. Writing is really a calling. It propels you in the right direction. It's a beautiful art and even after years of writing, I still feel I haven't written enough. I also started my blog in 2012 and since then have changed my writing styles many times. AI can never compete with emotional and creative writing! I wish you more writing in the future too!

    1. Thank you so much, Ambica! Glad to have connected with you through this activity!

  2. Writing really helps in decluttering your mind. And that too devoted to a creative purpose. When I feel the chaos of the world and it makes me feel exhausted and frustrated, I find refuge in writing and writing always gives me solace. Thanks for joining this blog hop and sharing your experience with us, Swati. Grateful😇 - Swarnali (The Blissful Storyteller)

  3. To write well or in an expressive way we dont need to be from the literature field because writing is the inner call of our soul. You heard the call of your soul and finally worked on it pen you feeling, emotions and whatever you want the world should know through your pen. Writing is a powerful tool to heal and soothe our subconscious mind in the right way. Keep Inking Swati

  4. Yes, writing helps in declutter our mind and offer therapeutic effect. staying on foreign land since last 10 years, I could co relate with your emotions. here, in USA writing has helped me a lot to stay sane and at the same, help me to get connected with outer world in a creative way.

  5. Following your passion should not require any certification. Wow what an empowering thought. We put too much worth in things that give us "permission" for what we already have. Great to know you did not let such things stop you from writing what you thought the world needed to read.

  6. The purer the intentions, the greater will be the reach... loved your thoughts. So good to find someone who calls writing a friend. I like that you've followed your own path even as a writer. We are so often carried away by the demands of our professions or interests that we often give up on our true intent.

  7. When it comes from the heart, it requires no certification
    And if people can relate to it, the purpose is fulfilled. You are absolutely right, Swati.

  8. I resonated a lot with your words, as writing to me means my escape from the world. We as bloggers/writers are indeed blessed to find an outlet in writing.

  9. So true. I too feel that no certification is required for one's validation in their true calling. Like you, writing helps me declutter my mind too and I also look at my blog as a digital diary that everyone who wants to and visits, can read :)

    1. Yes, blogs are like digital diary , we can come back to them anytime we want to. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. When you shared your childhood with writing I remember that I forgot. The first ever thing I was a song for teachers day when I was in 5th grade. Thank you for reminding me my past and you being a writer and discovered your inner calling for this art makes me think writers think alike. 🫰

    1. I'm glad that my writing could help you connect to the memories of your childhood. We, writers, are all alike, in some way!

  11. Describing the act of writing as your true friend is indeed hitting the nail on the head. It's amazing to me to see that so many of us feel the same way.
    Noor Anand Chawla

    1. I agree with you, Noor! We're writers for a reason.


  12. I too have an over occupied mind, too many thoughts whirling inside my head, and writing really helps. And you don't need any professional degree to be a good storyteller. :)

  13. It is good to see how you turned outwardly distractions into writing which helped declutter your mind. I too began writing early like you, and I think that was the wisest decision I took in my life. Looking upon writing as a true friend is an amazing way to look at it. All the best with all things literary!

    1. Yes, choosing to write was the best decision of my life. :)

  14. 11 years of writing is really a big deal! Kudos to your consistency and your words are soo true! I relate soo much to this blog. Writing is definitely therapeutic and a great source of calm in this chaotic world. You voiced so many of us when you said you found a friend in this process which I completely agree. Thank you for such a thoughtful blog and inspiring to be consistent. - sameeksha

  15. As correctly said, writing is therapeutic to me too. In fact, so many times, writing only gives me answers and cleanses my thoughts.

  16. Writing is a means to declutter the mind, that is spot on, Swati. I never fail to get amazed at how much writing down my thoughts puts a lot more sense to it than when it was floating around in my head. Very relatable read. :)

  17. Rightly said, it declutters our minds and thoughts. It gives us peace and clarity. I love how you have described why you write. Over the time, writing has become my true friend.

    1. Thanks , Sadvika for reading and commenting on my post.

  18. I stepped into writing with a very little knowledge about how website or blogging works. I didn't know how to make a post SEO friendly or what does DA, Alexa rank means. But over the period of time, I learned everything.Writing gave me my tribe, like-minded people.
