19 Jun 2024

#533 A healthy salad bowl for lunch

 A healthy salad bowl for lunch

Design : Canva

All of us know that salads are healthy food but how many of us eat salad as our favorite meal? Frankly speaking, I was never a fan of salad until I discovered this recipe on the internet. It’s easy to prepare, just takes 15 minutes or so. It’s delicious, healthy, and at the same time, fulfilling. You won’t realize how the entire bowl will get emptied in few minutes. Let me share my version of this recipe with you.

10% fat Greek Yoghurt

Ever since I moved to Netherlands, I’ve been packing this dish as lunch for my husband and he so absolutely enjoys it. The main ingredient of this dish is Yoghurt and I get the best Yoghurt here. I have chosen 10% fat Yoghurt because of its creamy consistency but you can consider using any curd of your choice.

Protein-rich sources used in this dish 

            Start with preparing the Yoghurt base. For that , put salt, brown sugar, roasted cumin powder, and paprika/red chilli powder in the curd and mix it well. Then start adding chopped veggies of your choice. I’ve added cucumber, carrots, bell papers, onions, diced boiled potatoes, and stir-fried veggies like zucchini, beans and flat beans. I’ve stir-fried certain veggies because they don’t taste great when eaten raw. I have added overnight-soaked and boiled split green peas and kidney beans for protein. You can take any protein-rich ingredient like boiled soya chunks, paneer, tofu, or any lentil like Chickpea (chhole/Rajma) of your choice. To add crunch to this dish, you can add peanuts and dry fruits like cashews, almonds, raisins, etc. Mix all the ingredients well and top it up with chopped coriander leaves.

            We should experiment with our food habits to make it healthier. Incorporating small changes, choosing healthier alternatives, and eating mindfully with a sense of gratitude are some of the habits that can reward us with a lot of health benefits in the long run. I conclude this post with a Mantra which I remember having been taught during my school days, which we chanted before our lunch Oṁ Saha nāvavatu saha nau bhunaktu Saha vīryam karavāvahai Tejasvi nāvadhītamastu Mā vidviṣāvahai Oṁ Shāntiḥ, Shāntiḥ, Shāntiḥ .


Om, May we all be protected

 May we all be nourished

May we work together with great energy

May our intellect be sharpened (may our study be effective)

Let there be no Animosity amongst us

Om, peace (in me), peace (in nature), peace (in divine forces)

 © All Rights Reserved!

Swati Sarangi


 P.S: I’m participating in #BlogchatterFoodFest2024.




  1. I am a salad fan. This recipe is good and a must-try. Many a time it's just chopped raw veggies with a sprinkling of dry herbs and seeds for us.

    1. Nice to hear that you love salad, Marietta! I am sure that this dish will never disappoint you.
