22 Jan 2024

#488 Ho'oponono Technique


Ho’oponopono Technique

Image Courtesy:Google Image

We deal with many emotions in our day-to-day life. Those are happiness, anger, sadness, resentment, guilt, excitement etc. Some emotions are positive whereas others are negative. Often negative emotions make us feel more anxious and heavy inside. There comes the role of healing. Healing emotional wellbeing is very importance to have a healthy mind and soul. It also helps us to create a clear vision. This practice aims to heal relationships, resolve conflicts, and bring about a sense of inner peace.

There are many techniques used for the purpose of healing. I am going to share one of the simplest Hawaiian technique for healing mind and soul. It consists of four steps.

1-Repentance: I AM SORRY

2-Forgiveness: PLEASE FORGIVE ME

3- Gratitude: THANK YOU

4-Love: I LOVE YOU

This ritual should be performed daily in the morning and evening for 11 or 108 times for optimal result.

I am sharing out my experience after practicing it regularly for consecutive 7 days.

1-I am feeling lighter and calmer.

2-I am no more having guilt in me.

3-I am not resentful about anything.

I hope that readers would get benefitted by doing this ritual for consecutive days. Please share your experience in comment section. 



#487 Transient connections in dynamic world


Transient connections in dynamic world


                                                    Image Courtesy: Google

Read PART 1: https://creative-constellation.blogspot.com/2023/07/476-transient-connections-in-dynamic.html

Years have passed but the memories of Naman which Riya had stored in her brain had never faded exponentially. After two years, while browsing social media, Riya found a profile picture in which Naman was there with another girl. Later, when going into the profile, to see the exact thing, she found that Naman was married to someone from his surrounding who was elder than him in age and did not belong to his caste as well. Riya got shocked to find that whatever he told his criteria to Riya for marriage, did not match his present situation. She was pretty sure that she was being cheated by him in real sense. In order to vent out her feeling she started journaling her feelings in form of a letter she wrote.

To the Cheater, (Here cheater is indicated to Naman)

I don’t know whether you would read this article or not. I thank you for leaving my side in the worst phase of my life because I got to know the real version of you then. Some people stay in one’s side when things are merely perfect and leave when things fall apart. You did the same and proved that you are no different than those “some people” who wanted to bring a positive change to my life ironically. I did not like the way you had ghosted me without clarifying the reason. Though I had tried to contact you several times to sort out the issue but everything was in vain. The sudden disappearance of you like a chemical reactant giving out the product was unpredictable for me. The last words of our conversation is still intact to my brain that it’s better to stay single than to marry. And see, what you did. To complete your motive, you searched someone from your surrounding and get hitched as quickly as possible as if what I did to you were fruitless. The interesting part is that the that girl neither satisfies your criteria (that you had described me) nor your family. Even it’s the game of upper age as well. It had wowed me the moment your picture with her in one of the social media platforms flashed before my eyes. It hurt me the moment I saw both of you because I felt the commitments that you had made to me are being fulfilled with her. I know that she is more qualified, but does that make one change the partner soon. If this is the case, then you would be keep on changing partners for life and I am pretty sure that will happen.

Somewhere in my heart, I fell a stone has been removed. I feel free now because I wanted to go back to sort things out and always wanted to think that whatever has happened it was because of my fault. You know, it’s very difficult to stay with a regret. But, see god has saved me again by showing me the true side. Sometimes past moments do flash in my eyes. But, I have also learned to move on. I agree to the fact that, I learned it a bit late.

Being a writer, I like to express my emotions through my words. That’s what I am doing right now. I am not sure whether the words would reach to you in anyway. But I congratulate you for whatever you have done in your personal and professional front. May you feel the same agony; I have experienced because of you. I know that there is something called Karma and It is very powerful. I just want you to see my comeback in my area soon. May be then you would realise what a gem you have lost in your life. Till then, enjoy your phony world.



Now, it’s up to readers to think that was it right for Naman to leave Riya because he found someone more suitable than her from his surrounding? Was love of Riya not enough for him?

 Stay tuned for part 3

