21 Sept 2013

#23 On abstract things..

    The most prized possession

      Before allowing all my readers to scan this article, I request them to have patience to complete reading this article which is quite lengthy, I admit. It is because I’m writing about the thing which I consider most valuable in my life. You never fall short of words on describing about your favorite thing or do you?? Regarding the length of the article, My sis has an idea.. I’m gonna post it in sequels.. (do not know how many sequels it requires to get completed). In the upcoming lines, I’m going to reveal my obsession with inanimate things. The thing that occupies the top of this list will be a diary. (Funny?? No, I’m serious.) Diary is simply an agglomeration of pages according to the days of a particular year. So, the number of pages constituting a diary at max will be 366(for a leap year, that’s something everyone knows).It is also meant for recording important things (or personal, you can say).Wait…… It is also used for introducing entries of days. BORING, it may sound (I considered it until I felt the essence of writing) In reality, it is not that boring as it may seem at first go.

    I’m an ardent writer of diary as I’ve already mentioned in my introduction. I can never think of missing an entry just like brushing at night (ideality rarely exist in real world, It is more correct to say that I seldom miss any page). It is like FACEBOOK where I post a lot of writings of mine in ‘private mode’. Even though, it is similar to FACEBOOK in the way described just above yet it possesses many dissimilarities:
i)            Setting: Private(always)
ii)   Friends: My parents and sister(who have only access to the most prized possession of mine)
iii)  Wall: posts in any colour(generally in blue ink)Font Style: Monotype Corsiva (always)
Font Size: 14(I guess)
iv)        Sharing: None(can never be possible)
v)          Comments: (restricted) from my parents and sister.

: The cover of the diary that I’m using for entry is of blood red color inciting the ink to flow in the direction to write. Very stylish in outlook!! Since I do not allow anyone to even touch my diary in reality, I would request all readers to follow my words to  be able to turn over the pages of my diary VIRTUALLY. It’s absolutely possible. Not believing!! Okay… Let me cast some magical spells over my readers..Abrakadabradiaryopenprocedureabrakadabradaa..

           Welcome to the world of words of Swati- THE DIARY. Now, you’ve my diary in your hand. The very first page of the diary ( I should not call it a page, it’s not a page either, then what should that be called?) has  something written in black ink and bold letters headed to be STATUTORY WARNING-a long list of curses for them who even dare to touch my diary without my permission.[Now, ignore these warnings as I’m permitting you to go through it virtually].Unlike many other diary writers, I’ve never thought of the idea of nomenclature for my diary –the fact is that I don’t consider it that important. Anyways, turn over the introductory page. The next page has empty rows to be filled under various informations: Name, Home Address, Business address, Home phone number, Identity card no., life insurance policy no., bank account no. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH……….. then the page containing calendar and STD/ISD codes of various cities. This page of STD and ISD used to be of utmost importance during the game of ATLAS (the game in which the next participant has to name a place starting with the last letter of the place said by the previous participant. T&C : Places must be geographically present on the globe).Then follows the pages of weight and measures, metric information, world time and currency, important days to remember with list of the most sought after signs- ZODIAC SIGNS, then the 24pages of planner (2 pages for each month) where few Sanskrit Shlokas have been mentioned in red ink. The reason for choosing red ink has got mythological significance. Red has always been considered as a sacred color. You might have many times observed several Gods and Deities being wrapped up in red-colored clothes. If you question this- I have no convincing answer for that. Tired of reading?? You should not be because the interesting thing will just come into lime light after few microseconds or may be nanoseconds…

                                                About Me(gleaming in glittered purple colored ink in my own  hand writing with a passport size photo to the extreme right top of the page)
NAME: Swati Sarangi
Favourite Subjects: Engg. Maths, control system, Network Theory and Electrical Machines
Hobbies: singing, drawing, reading novels, blogging, poetry…
Catch me @ creative-constellation.blogspot.com
My thoughts……………………………………………………………………………
Page: Jan 10 Inspirational Quote by my ideal -APJ ABDUL KALAM
“Look at the sky. You’re not alone. The universe is friendly towards and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work.”

Page: Jan 12
Entry for 27.06.2013
Dear Diary,
                                        May God bless us all!!
My Signature
(can’t scan here … sorry for that)

The above is the format of my diary writing.

There is no limit on the number of pages I write for a day. Sometimes, the conversation with my diary gets over within a page and sometimes it gets extended up to 2-3 pages(but very rarely more than that ).The pages of my diary are not only stuffed with entries written on daily basis but also with my poems and some interesting pieces of article cut out from the newspaper. The weird part of my diary is that it’s pages from backside are also covered (but not in URDU, mind it).The back pages have many important things written like syllabus, plans to cover, exams, important websites and passwords of different accounts of mine..     

....... to be continued……


17 Sept 2013

#22 Sad songs make us feel happy


Music is a form of art. Listening to music makes us feel relaxed and refreshed….. Most of the times it depends on the selection of the song, whether they make us feel pathetic or energetic……In reality it’s not always so.
We have got a misconception about the fact that the sad songs would make us feel gloomy and miserable.
You will be amazed to know that it is a myth. And How??? Let me explain….
A case study found that minor key music sounded sadder  than  major key music to people, but  they have more affinity towards it….
In an another study of 44 people , participants listened to one of three lesser-known classical pieces--to avoid emotional influence from memories connected to hearing the piece before--in both a major and minor key. Researchers asked them to pinpoint the feelings they experienced while listening to the music, as well as predict what kind of emotions they perceived other people would experience while listening to the song. Participants did not consider the sad music as tragic as it was thought to be , the researchers write:

“The listeners felt less gloomy, meditative, and miserable as well as more fascinated, merry, animated, and inclined to dance when they listened to sad music compared with their actual perceptions of the same music”. The reason behind feeling so could be a phenomenon called “sweet anticipation”. Even if the listeners experience sad feelings but the sweet anticipation allows them to feel happy.

From this it can be concluded that the feeling of being sad is not always the result of the situation but listening to someone singing his /her sadness is a sensational experience because this emotion is not effecting our well-being…..

BY_Sweta Sarangi

10 Sept 2013

#21 Ganesh Chaturthi Special...

   Ganesh Chaturthi unleashes a thread of memories

   Ganesh Chaturthi unleashes a thread of memories

Vakra-Tunndda Maha-Kaaya Surya-Kotti Samaprabha
Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryessu Sarvadaa


1: O Lord Ganesha, of Curved Trunk, Large Body, and with the Brilliance of a Million Suns,
2: Please Make All my Works Free of Obstacles, Always.
    Before strolling down my memory lane, I would first like to wish every reader of this article “A very happy Ganesh Chaturthi”. May Lord Ganesha Shower all mercy upon you and act as a guiding light towards helping you to reach your destination. Now, I would like to mention some of the motivating factors behind this post.
First, Lord Ganesha himself for providing me a medium of vocabulary to my feelings without which any expression is ever possible. So, all credit goes to him.
Second, My family. After many years I’m with my Grandma to rejuvenate uncountable memories of my childhood days.
Third (interesting!!), one of the tempting advertisements of TOI (under the title “VIGHNAHARTA RETURNS”)which invites readers to send entries on the description of celebration of this festival in their respective cities. I’ve chosen to write for my blog instead of sending entries to TOI because of the length of the article and I feel that the city, of which I’m a part, begins with my home. [Note: Personal Views]
 Let me begin the process in a chronological manner (recent-to-old):

1-   Organisation of Ganesh Chaturthi(2k12) at Rohini Bhawan
I had a mix of experiences during organising Ganesh Puja at Rohini Bhawan. Organising a function at a grand level (for 550 hostel borderers and near about 300 guests) by 2nd year B.Tech girls was not at all a child’s play and none of us were that experienced in the field. With the cooperation of the organising committee (all 2nd year B.Tech girls), seniors, ward boys of the hostel, this mammoth task was accomplished in the best possible way. All of us took a lot a lot of pain in its preparation which included listing of the required items, budget making, shopping, inviting teachers and of course seniors, preparing Bhoga (Chuda Ghasa as Prasad), decoration for which we were applauded by everyone. By God’s grace, everything was at its best and not to forget, the decoration was simply superb. It was the first time I witnessed a different idol of Ganesha which I’d not seen before. The slightest glimpse of the idol of Lord Jagannatha disguised in Lord Ganesha was mesmerizing enough to attract the spectators in large numbers to the pandal. The incident of Priest’s way of inviting caretaker sir’s wrath was extremely rib-tickling! The effect of funniness of that moment still prompts me to laugh till the aching of my stomach. Priest’s inaccuracy in reciting the holy hymns and managing the process of Puja prompted caretaker sir to rectify his mistakes publicly as he completed the process of Puja without uncovering the mask of Ganesha’s vehicle –mushak (a rat). For a moment, that hilarious event lightened the stressful environment. When I recall those days, I hear my inner voice yelling out in joy “yes, we did and we all did together”.

2-   My first appearance on stage
It was on this day; I landed on the stage and appeared before the crowd for the first time. Elaborating it further, I was in first standard and a devotional evening was organised inside the premise of my school .I was one of the participants of that function. There was a very grand arrangement of orchestra band but I had not practiced with the orchestra band prior to my performance as the band arrived quite late. I’d to perform directly (but I’d made a lot of practice before hand at home under the guidance of my teacher). I’d no fear rather I was filled with immense excitement and I also had nothing related to written lyrics in my hand. The words of my song- “Payoji maine” floated in the air (the memory of that day is still refreshing in my mind) .After I finished my song, the thing that I heard first was the appreciation from the orchestra band followed by a huge round of applause. That incident rendered me recognition of a singer and never let me to develop “STAGE FEAR” in any form.

3-   Childhood memories
I have an unending series of childhood memories associated with the festivals. On the auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, all members of the family used to get up as early as 5a.m and engage themselves in the preparation of the grand event at home. For us, children, it used to be a day different from all other days, a day full of activities, enjoyment, delicious dishes, new clothes, no studies but a lot of new study materials. The exciting part of the event was to showcase the talent of memorizing and reciting the holy hymns dedicated to Lord as asked by Grandpa during Pushpanjali.  There used to be competition among the children of the family to get appreciated for accurate recitation of hymns from the Head of the Family (HOF), Grandpa. There after we were dropped at our respective schools where we could enjoy with our friends and teachers. We were fascinated to see each other in new, colourful and unique get-ups. The function at school used to end with a grand feast – a never ending chain of children squatting over the mats spread all over the ground. I remember to have argued with Grandpa on the reason of performing the rituals on various festivals and used to be upset for not finding satisfactory answers to my questions.

      These are few memories from an infinite source of memories of bygone days. Sigh!! Gone are those days!! These memories keep getting renewed each year during such special occasions to transform the atmosphere livelier, divine and making me feel nostalgic of their transient passage....

Gajaananam Bhoota Ganaadhi Sevitam
Kapitta Jamboophaala Saara Bhakshitam
Umaasutam Shoka Vinaasha Kaaranam
Namaami Vighneswara Paada Pankajam
Meaning: The Lord with the elephant face, served by all the Ganas, One who takes as His food, the essence of Kapitta and Jamboophala (these are two favorite fruits of Ganesh), son of Uma (Mother Parvati), destroyer of misery of the devotees, controller of obstacles, we worship Your Lotus Feet.


2 Sept 2013

#20 Among the stars----------------By Sweta Sarangi


Among the stars

 In the midst of the late night,     
Breaking the eerie silence
Those barking stray dogs
The twinkling stars at different angles
Resembling diamonds in the sky
The dark, dusky clouds
Almost engulfing the moon……
Which has shrunk to half.

I count those in numerous stars
And search for the brightest one.
Like a game healing my soul and brain.
I presume that you are sparkling
In that dark sky
May be there in heaven to lay,
Your vision on me and to
Be with me forever.

I feel your presence
I feel your caressing hand upon my head
Spent my childhood days with you,
Would like to cherish those golden moments,
Your love and affection: A protective shield

Transform yourself according to my mood
More often a story teller,
Starting from fragmented pieces of
Your imagination, to end up with mystical.
Know that your stories would filled up
Within me a sense of joy…

I admire your ghost stories
Loved to listen the story involving a
Ghost character named-Khapis
Incite my curious mind to
Discover the hidden themes of life.

Enjoyed your company
By being an infant
Unaware of the adversities
 Of the outer world
Perceived the world from your
Perspective: A divine one.
You would not care to sacrifice your
Happiness for my comfort.
You would overlook my mischeives
And pamper me as a doll being
Treated by kids.

Most conscious about my health
Feel desperate on finding me sick
Take care of me like an angel
Descended to earth from heaven
Your presence: A bodyguard
Cause I was an inseparable part of your life.

How could you depart me so early?
Knowing the fact that
My love for you is like those tiny
Water droplets of dew that fall
Unconditionally on the grasses daily.
I long for your affection
Now, grown up
Still search you within
Everyone I come across.

Difficult to debar you from my thought
Like a ray of light, your thoughts provide
Me a direction to move on
The trodden path of the life.
Your words: treasure of life
Your departure has created
A void in my life.
Can’t get filled up by anyone
Cause you are unparalleled.

Not find you in this birth
Like arrows and unlike boomerangs
People once travel that long way
Never return back.
But you have left
An indelible print in my heart.
It can’t be blotted away easily.

Wish to see you in my next birth
As Grandpa once again,
Rendering your love and support
As you had showered to this world.
May be I was destined to be
Under your shelter for lesser  time.
Wish to be a part of your life
As a grand daughter
And share most of my stages of life
 Making you feel conceited.

With the passage of time
My feelings for you will grow
Much deeper and stronger.
Our relationship: an elastic thread
Feel shortage of words
To describe you completely.
You are an epitome
Of affection and knowledge.
Those golden memories will
Never grow fainter …
And will preserve those forever……

Sweta Sarangi
P.S:      You are among the stars
           Indeed very far and far
           My vision can’t reach there
           But can be sensed by my heart.
Dedicated to my grandpa whose love for me is unparalleled.He is no more in this world but his memories are stored permanently in my mind. I saw him last when I was only in standard four. Through this poem I had given tribute to a complete personality and idol of my life- JJ. 
