27 May 2024

#528 The first Finnish song that my ears ever encountered

 The first Finnish song that my ears ever encountered

Pic Credit: My friend
Spring Ukulele Concert 23.05.2024 at Sello Library
I am in the first row, 2nd from right.

When I moved to Finland in mid-June 2022 from crowded places like India and Hong Kong, all I observed was quietness and a low number of people on the road as compared to the countries mentioned above. As I lived a few tram stations away from Helsinki, I would always rush to the Central Station area to soak myself in the hustle and bustle of the city.

I remember experiencing a tram ride for the first time in Hong Kong in the Hong Kong Island area while going to the Hindu Temple in Happy Valley to celebrate Janmashtami. I wanted to experience the difference between the trams of Hong Kong and Finland, that’s the reason why I took my first tram ride to Lasipalatsi from Tooluntuli. During those times, I was very interested in uploading small video clips as memories on my YouTube Channel – Around The Globe. The first Youtube short of Finland that I uploaded on Jul 7,2024 was that of my tram ride to Lasipalatsi. I decided to add the music of Ei Suomalaitset Tanssi to the video which I received as an autosuggestion on YouTube. It was the first Finnish song that my ears ever encountered and I absolutely loved it. It always gave me the vibe of some singers performing this song live in a concert and I was present there to get lost in the trance of this song.

Fast forward, to May 23, 2024, I performed this song as a participant representing Ukulele Intermediate/Advanced Group, in Spring Ukulele 2024 at Sello library. I had never imagined that I was subconsciously attracting a concert and me, being a part of it. Yes, the Universe always works wonders and backs us only when we dream and let go of all resistance.

All Rights Reserved

Swati Sarangi



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